

Vehicle safety active systems based on Adjustable Speed Limiter model NC80.

The NC 80 speed limiter is an executive device. It does not warn about critical events that have occurred, such as exceeding the speed limit on the road, driving with unfastened seat belt, critical drop of tire pressure, deviation from the planned route, exiting the location, etc. The speed limiter will not allow such violations and will prevent dangerous situations or accidents.

This feature distinguishes the Vehicle Safety Systems based on Speed Limiter NC 80 from monitoring systems used in cars. Modern multifunctional monitoring systems only inform the vehicle owner or control room officer about the violation that has already occurred, but do not prevent it. The speed limiter mechanically eliminates the very possibility of a violation. The main purpose of using the speed limiter is to reduce the human errors in the process of driving a wheeled vehicle. During operation the NC80 does not affect vehicle's braking systems!

Due to the fact that the speed limiting device "NC80" has the maximum set of technological functions, its application in motor transport may grant virtually unlimited functionality.

Below are case studies regarding use the speed limiter "NC 80":

1.Limiting speed on city, tourist and school buses, by taxi cars while transporting passengers.

In many countries the use of a speed limiters on such buses and cars is mandatory in terms of legislation and local technical regulations. The speed limiting device "NC80" has a confirmation of compliance (E-mark) and can be used for such applications. Also, as an additional function, the SLD NC80 can block the bus from moving until its doors became closed.


2.  Limiting speed on dedicated vehicles equipped with additional special equipment like dump/tipper truck or trailer, crane-manipulator unit, blade, brushes, etc.

The speed limiter NC80 does not allow exceeding a preset speed (for example, 10 km/h), until the special equipment be placed in the transport position (the dump truck bucket is completely lowered, the crane-manipulator unit is placed within the dimensions of the vehicle, the blade is raised, the brush is turned off.)

3. Interaction with the Driver Behaviour Monitoring System.

NC80 will limit the speed of the vehicle on command of Driver Behaviour Monitoring system when a set scenario occurs: smoking while driving, talking on a mobile phone, distraction from the road, fatigue, sleeping while driving, etc. When the scenario occurs, the speed limiting device limits the speed of the vehicle to 30 km/h for a short, but noticeable time for the driver, for example, for 30 seconds. Or completely disables the accelerator pedal. Such operation of the system and the speed limiting device makes the driver more responsible, and in the event of his falling asleep or getting sick while the vehicle is moving, reduces the likelihood of a possible accident.


4. On vehicles that, by the nature of their activities, often enter and subsequently move through territories where the maximum permissible speed is significantly limited for safety reasons. For example, such territories are the territories of an airport, a refinery or a fuel terminal.

In this case, the NC80 speed limiter can be integrated with vehicle's monitoring (telematics) system and will mechanically limit the speed of the vehicle during its entire stay in such areas. The NC80 speed limiter easily integrates with most Diptych transport systems, including those already installed on the vehicle.

5. The speed limiting device "NC80" can automatically reduce the vehicle speed to 40 km/h on uneven roads.

6. To limit the speed if the driver is not wearing a seat belt, if the engine oil pressure drops, if the door is not closed and in other similar situations


7. On vehicles with expensive tires (OTR, Mining trucks)

The NC80 speed limiter will limit the vehicle speed from 30/km to a complete stop when thea drop in tire pressure or an increase in temperature, which will help preserve the integrity of the expensive tire. This function is possible if the vehicle is equipped with the TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System) function or system.


More use cases of the NC80 speed limiter you can obtain from the detailed brochure if you share your e-mail address.

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